Wednesday, September 1, 2010

When things get rough...

Well hello again everyone! I meant to write again two weeks ago, but here I am slipping behind again. I, like most people, have had it rough lately. I have a fairly new car (new to me) that I did not particularly want, but got it anyway-because it was "a good deal". Who says anything is a good deal anymore with this economy...a good deal is something that is FREE.

Continuing on, it began driving funny and felt like a transmission problem. Well on my way home from work about three weeks ago, the darn thing failed on me. I had a feeling it was going to though. So turns out, the transmission blew up and unfortunately they could not rebuild mine, so I had to pay to get a new, rebuilt one from someone elses' car. Nice huh? So meanwhile, my car is at the shop and I'm heading to Destin, FL for the week. This was the one vacation I got this year, and I wanted to relax and enjoy myself. Unfortunately, when I have a cell phone and laptop and must keep up with work, it was hard to relax. Either way, we ended up having a decent time.
I get home, and school starts...BAM! First week of school=horrible. I had to change my schedule around so much and now I'm slammed with classes. If I am not at school, I'm at work or vice versa. I know this is going to be a tough semester, but I am doing this for a reason, and I must always remind myself of that.

So, yesterday, I get a call from my mother who is at the vet's office right down the street from where I work. Needless to say, this call was not a happy one. I drove as fast as I could to say goodbye to my dog Dingo, that we've had for about 13 years. I am glad I was able to hold her one last time, but I cannot express how sad I am about this situation. She was the greatest dog, and I loved her so much. I am going to miss her tremendously. I, of course, went back to work and tried to make it through the rest of my day.

As if this weren't enough pain for one day, I finally get home and try to calm myself and my chihuahua, Spencer, jumps off the couch, slips on the hardwood floor, and hurts himself. I picked him up and carried him to the bedroom, it has carpet, and tried to see if anything was wrong. He had two stiff, straight back legs and couldn't walk. So here we are driving to the emergency vet who "highly suggested" we bring him in right away. We finally get the diagnosis and head home around 11 p.m. Thankfully, he only had a slight injury to his low back and they expect he will be fine in a week. He is on pain and anti-inflammatory medicine.

So I asked God last night what more can we take? I wanted to go to sleep and wake up from the nightmare that was yesterday. It was then that I reminded myself that it could always be worse. I am very fortunate for the things and people in my life. We must always remember to pray when life gets too hard to handle.

Storm rolling in on the
Destin Coast...

Until next time... KH

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Little About Me

I've been meaning to get a blog set up for about 4 months now, but I've been so extremely busy that I am just getting to it. I am obviously new to this so forgive me for any newbie errors! There are so many things I need to put on my blog, but I will get to that soon, hopefully!

I am currently enrolled in a private liberal arts college and focusing on a communication degree and (broadcast)journalism. Classes start in a week and a half so I am trying to prepare for my 16 credit hour semester. I am so excited for classes to start back though because school is my "safe place". I feel like being there is an escape from everyday life and stresses of work and family. I can always kick back and relax when I am on campus. Everyone there is so creative and artistic, and I have been very fortunate to make some close friends.

I have SO much more to say, but I've got to get dinner on the stove. I will try to keep updating my blog each week with posts and pictures!