Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Little About Me

I've been meaning to get a blog set up for about 4 months now, but I've been so extremely busy that I am just getting to it. I am obviously new to this so forgive me for any newbie errors! There are so many things I need to put on my blog, but I will get to that soon, hopefully!

I am currently enrolled in a private liberal arts college and focusing on a communication degree and (broadcast)journalism. Classes start in a week and a half so I am trying to prepare for my 16 credit hour semester. I am so excited for classes to start back though because school is my "safe place". I feel like being there is an escape from everyday life and stresses of work and family. I can always kick back and relax when I am on campus. Everyone there is so creative and artistic, and I have been very fortunate to make some close friends.

I have SO much more to say, but I've got to get dinner on the stove. I will try to keep updating my blog each week with posts and pictures!